Just Keep Going And Believe You Can Do It
Part of my morning routine is to listen to Podcasts while I’m getting ready for work. Some days it’s a sermon, some days it’s a YouTube video; whatever the choice for the day, it’s always something that feeds my mind and spirit. 🙂
Yesterday, I finished the series by Joyce Meyers that I had been listening to so I checked my YouTube subscriptions to see what was new. Ha ha, New Year, so the feed is full of things to inspire us to make changes, come up higher and live a better life!
Here’s the link to the message that I chose and the notes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbKD6mQidTI
10 Rules for Success according to Rachel Hollis
- Get Good Enough – you have to keep doing the work. DON’T Quit
- Ignore The Opinion Of Others – they won’t live with the regrets
- Become The BEST Version Of Yourself – Believe that you can. Ask yourself…how would the best version of yourself spend this day? Success is about choosing what you want now and what you want most.
OWN what you do!
Choose who you want to be. Imagine it in detail. See yourself eating the way the best version of you would eat. Stay hydrated. If you’re not taking care of your physical body there is a zero percent chance that you’re going to become the best version of yourself that you want to be.
You are the only person in charge of what happens next. STOP procrastinating!
- Find Your Why – what are you passionate about, what do you enjoy…
- Dream Big – don’t settle
- Stop Complaining – we ALL have excuses and we can hold onto them all day long or we can say I’m not giving that power anymore
- Re-invest In Yourself – this is a must in my humble opinion!
- Grow From Hardships – often when you’ve gone thru something hard it makes you stronger…it makes you a warrior
- Just TRY! – I am NOT going to be sitting in my rocking chair when I’m 90 saying I could have…
- Keep Going – you’re stopping because it’s taking too long! Seriously? Don’t you get it…noting that lasts is accomplished quickly. Stop obsessing over whether or not you are any good and just focus on getting better. Nobody’s entire legacy is based on a single moment but rather the collection of one’s experiences. If you’re lucky your legacy will be a lifetime in the making.
It’s NOT taking too long. It’s taking exactly as long as it needs to take.
Keep Going!
Great advice, Rachel, and I’m going to take it 😉
Oh my gosh…’Own What You Do and Keep Going‘ spoke volumes to me!!! The chatter box upstairs in my head doesn’t shut up some days! Why are you doing this? It’s a waste of your time…you aren’t techie enough to have a blog…you’re not a writer…who will listen to you…on and on and on.
I started this blog back in 2010 when I first became interested in health/wellness. At that time I had frequent headaches and a few other health issues so at the recommendation of one of my business clients I went to see a natural health practitioner that she spoke highly of.
That was the beginning of a whole new world for me…I couldn’t believe how much better I felt just by taking supplements and changing my eating habits. It wasn’t long and I rarely had a headache or joint/tissue pain. I felt like a new person!
I became obsessed with learning about nutrition, vitamins, minerals, toxicity and the role they play in our ability to stay healthy and age well. Frankly, I was obnoxious about sharing information with people, all in the spirit of trying to help them of course! However, I soon realized that we are all on our own path and we are generally open to learning new things when we are ready and interested in doing so.
You know the saying…life happens…sometimes there are so many balls in the air at once that you just can’t keep up with everything and it’s overwhelming. I quit.
The long and short of it is I went from having one grandchild to four in a matter of a month. My son/wife had their first child, followed by my daughter having twins a month later, in addition to having a 3 year old. I wanted to be able to help as much as possible in addition to running my business.
More excuses….I decided that I wasn’t cut out for working in the health and wellness field. I don’t have the patience for all of the excuses that people make for not taking care of themselves!
How’s that for honest disclosure?
I’ve spent the past 8 years working on myself; my attitude, my mindset, my outlook on life, my relationship with my husband/family/friends, and most importantly my relationship with Jesus. Basically trying to get clear on what’s really important to me.
There have been many lessons learned along the way on this journey of life…sadly some were from the school of stupidity! If I can share something that brings encouragement, inspiration or that helps someone avoid the mistakes that I’ve made it will be worth the time and effort to learn how to blog.
Cheers to NEVER giving up!